A rare Japanese sword that had been classified as a national treasure was recently found in Australia. The sword was confiscated sometime after WWII from Japan by occupation allied soldiers. The sword was thought to have been crafted by the Etchū Norishige (1290-1366) (則重) Norishige was a Japanese swordsmith of the late Kamakura period. He was a contemporary and possibly a pupil of the famous Masamune. Norishige swords are noted for their distinct matsukawa hada 松皮肌 (pine bark grain). One of his works is classified as Kokuho (National Treasures) by the Ministry of Culture, the highest classification for a sword.
Join the hunt with two thrilling adventures: Steel's Treasure and the newly released Steel's Gold!
The epic story of U.S. Air Force Captain William Steel, an intelligence officer with serious authority issues, and his hunt for billions of dollars of lost WWII Japanese treasure hidden in the mountainous jungles of the Philippines.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Rare Japanese sword recently found in Australia
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Maros photo and gold bars?
Steel's Treasure and Steel's Gold avail on Amazon kindle-
For my overseas (Philippines) Steel's Treasure and Steel's Gold fans you can get my books on a Amazon Kindle. See the Kindle post.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Famous Yamashita treasure hunter dies
Interesting obituary in Wash Post today. John Singlaub recently died. Retired U.S. army general and war hero. Very rightwing and anti-communist. He spend time in the Philippines looking for the Yamashita treasure--his gold hunting exploits in the Philippines mired in controversy. Wanted to use the gold to financial his anti-communist crusades.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Good samurai sword primer
Great photos and explanation of the differences between massed produced wartime blades and that of valuable master crafted blades.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Here's a unique piece of WWII history--this pencil sketch is of General Yamashita (The Tiger of Malaya) during the War Crimes trials in Manila in 1945. The drawing was made by one of his American court-appointed defense councils (George Guy) during the trial and is signed by the General. Can't imagine there are many autographs of the infamous Tiger out there.
I can't vouch for the authenticity of this photo--but if a picture is worth a thousand words then it would seem Former Philippine Presi...
A rare Japanese sword that had been classified as a national treasure was recently found in Australia. The sword was confiscated sometim...
Interesting obituary in Wash Post today. John Singlaub recently died. Retired U.S. army general and war hero. Very rightwing and anti-c...